Saturday, July 5, 2008

Going, going, gone...

Well, the final sheet rock on this project is done-it's all down! & guess who had to put it all in the garbage cans...Well, I actually got a system down. Mike would throw the sheets of broken sheet rock off the landing off the family room, into the garbage can & then I would take each piece & break it into tiny pieces to get it all into the can. Hot & dirty!!!
So, with all the sheet rock down, Mike is building a new supporting wall for the roof to sit on before he removes the old wall. Lots of planning has gone into this next stage, making sure that there is enough support there & on the main floor ceiling under to help support the roof. Also, we are redirecting the intake vents to the new air conditioner/furnace. On Tuesday we get to order the new tub. YAY YAY YAY YAY
I'm also going to start to choose tile and counter for the upstairs bathroom. We've decided on the cabinet-it will be the same company that built our fabulous book case last fall.