Saturday, May 31, 2008

Remodeling phase continues...

I didn't take pictures of the actual destruction, but you can only guess how messy, dirty, dusty it was. This phase is including our upstairs bathroom, our bedroom, new washer & dryer area of the new kitchen, new pantry, main floor bathroom, & front room.
So i guess this is phase 2. The first big phase was the new family room upstairs (which is very comfortable and cozy.) I will be adding photos often (hopefully), but they may not be photoshopped yet. In the meantime, we are having to live through this! It is getting old, but the end result is going to be worth it. This time, there is no time limit (except to just get it done in a timely manner, we do have to go to pOWelL now and then, hillclimb races, Oregon (baby), work.